Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cause And Effects Of Lifting Weights - 1006 Words

h McNeil Professor Maier English 111/ FH36 October 10 2017 Overall Cause and Effects of Lifting Weights Lifting weights makes not only a fit body, but also a fit mind. This sport is not only about the body. More important, this great physical activity is about health too. Lifting weights has such a great and healthy impact on the mind, mental health, muscles, bones and joints. Many people only see the good effects of lifting weights but there are many negative effects also such as poor training progress, tendonitis, joint pain and an impaired immune system. The mind can make a significant impact on lifting weights, but what about vice versa? Every week, 95 million Americans suffer some type stress symptom for†¦show more content†¦These aspects helps teach people the way they need to push themselves in all aspects of life and are then in turn applied to diet, work, school, family and even more. People tend to get their life together once and become more organized because they see the progress being made and realize t he more they commit to the life style the more they progress but this is not typically easy and it becomes a full commitment to make time for all the normal necessities of life plus a time consuming hobby such as physical fitness. While to the normal person body building may look like a very healthy and positive hobby to average person, there are many negative affects it can have not only on the person’s body but their mind as well starting with body dysmorphia. â€Å"According to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation, individuals with muscle dysmorphia are preoccupied with not being sufficiently muscular or lean and as a result will develop unhealthy behaviors such as spending excessive time in the gym, adhering to unhealthy diet plans, and compulsively comparing and checking out their physique.† (Dana Dovey) Unfortunately this is a common side effect that follows with body building and affects many. Another misconception is that body builders have a very healthy diet and while it may appear this way. â€Å"Unfortunately, according to Health line, manyShow MoreRelatedWeight Lifting Is More Beneficial Than Cross Fit897 Words   |  4 Pages Weight Lifting is More Beneficial than Cross Fit Today I am going to dig deeper and go into further explanation of the dangerous side effects of cross fit, the benefits of weight lifting, and the effects it has on your body. Every person who does physical training has their own personal opinions on which exercise regiment exhibits better results. My end goal is not to offend anyone or try to change your mind on which program yields better end results. I am only going to give you the facts of myRead MoreWhy to Do a Dead Lifting Rountine Essay1078 Words   |  5 PagesDead Lifting There are many different exercises for building the body not all are appropriate for every person. Any type of resistance training can help any person in many ways. 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