Thursday, January 2, 2020

Women Driving in Saudi Arabia Essay - 678 Words

Saudi Arabia is the only county in the world where women are not allowed to drive. In this year 2011, two ladies have been taken to jail for breaking the law and driving in public. The issue of permitting women to drive has become at most controversial and argued issue in Saudi Arabia. People from all over the world start to judge Saudis as backward people, attach the country and criticize the law of Saudi Arabia. Here I would like to get a closer look at the situation and examine the topic in depth in order to have a better understanding. Why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia? Here we have two opinions; the argument is mainly between the religious or conservative people and liberals in the other hand. Some of Islamic†¦show more content†¦So their main point is to preserve and protect women and their reputations. In the other side, the opponents say that since it’s their right to drive then let’s leave the choice for them to decide for themselves. They are adult and they are fully aware of the situation Saudi Arabia. More over they believe that in the Islamic law there are strict punishments especially for the rapist, where the rape crime is considered as a capital crime. The penalty is to be sentenced to death. In other words â€Å"you can’t close one’s store because there are lots of thieves†. They also say that â€Å"if your main concern is reputation† then what about the other problems that women face. For a girl to go from one place to another, she has to take a taxi to end up being with a stranger. In addition, who is going to satisfy their need of transportation? Not all of the families have good allowance to afford a private driver or to pay the taxi’s fees. In a conclusion a want highlight that the issue is more complicated than it seems. Personally I am looking for the moment where the women are allowed to drive. The king of Saudi Arabia has promised to raise the ban but we need to be patient. Still the majority of Saudis are still against women drive. People need to be more open and the government has to work had to enlarge streets and develop the traffic system. They have also to create special sections that deal with the female’s trafficShow MoreRelatedWomen Driving in Saudi. Why Not?652 Words   |  3 PagesWomen Driving In Saudi Arabia. Why Not? There is no doubt that women driving cars in Saudi Arabia is not the first or the most important issue for women in this country but it is one of the issues that persist on womens insistence on acquiring their own rights as long as there is no religious objection. Until today in Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to have their own driver’s license. They are not permitted to drive their own cars at any place and at any time. 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