Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Learn How to Write a Business Letter in French

Writing a job letter (une  lettre  demploi)  in French can be a challenge. You need to be professional, but if youre still learning the language, this can be difficult to convey. At times, it is best to look at an example so you know where to begin. When writing the letter, remember to be as polite as possible and follow the formula outlined in this sample. With a little attention to the details, like the salutation and opening of your letter, you will be constructing great correspondence in no time. Sample Correspondance Commerciale This sample business letter, or correspondance commerciale,  is to give you an outline for using  business letter formulas  in French. The various sections are notated using brackets  and it is much easier if you construct the letter piece by piece. You can use this sample as a template for your own letter. Simply replace the sentences as needed to fit your particular requirements. The formula works well for job applications as well as other types of formal business correspondence.   New York,  le  10  novembre  2012Monsieur Georges UNTELEntreprise fictive46, rue Jenesaisquoi12345 UNEVILLESonpaysMonsieur Untel [salutation],Jai lhonneur de vous informer [open letter] que jai bien reà §u votre lettre du 6 novembre 2000 [confirm receipt]. Cest avec plaisir [express pleasure] que jaccepte le poste de traductrice de votre site web que vous moffrez [accept/refuse offer].Je regrette vivement de ne pas pouvoir commencer immà ©diatement [express regret]. Je serais disponible à   partir du 20 novembre [availability/contact info]. Jespà ¨re que vous voudrez bien me faire savoir si cette date vous conviendra [make request].En vous remerciant de la confiance que vous me tà ©moignez [pre-close], je vous prie dagrà ©er, Monsieur Untel, lassurance de ma considà ©ration distinguà ©e.Laura K. Lawlessmon adresse, mon numà ©ro de tà ©là ©phone et cetera Salutations (Les  saluts) Just as it is in English, the salutation you use in the letter is extremely important. Your choice will leave an impression on the reader that may influence how they interpret the rest of the letter. Be sure to choose wisely and use the appropriate address. It would be impossible to list every possible title, but this list should give you an idea of how to address your letter. Monsieur, Madame To whom it may concern Messieurs Dear Sirs Monsieur Dear Sir Madame Dear Madam Mademoiselle Dear Miss Monsieur le Directeur Dear Director Monsieur le Ministre Dear Minister Monsieur/Madame le* Professeur Dear Professor... Cher/Chre + salutation Used only if you know the person that you are writing to *In so-called standard French, the word  professeur  is always masculine. However in Quà ©bec and parts of Switzerland, there is a feminine version:  la  professeure, so pay attention to the country of the person you are addressing. Opening the Letter (Pour commencer la lettre) As important as the salutation, your opening sentence sets the tone for the letter. Compose this carefully or the reader may not bother reading the entire thing.   The following phrases are good choices when your letters intent is to inquire about employment. They cover most job application situations, from responding to an advertisement to inquiring about open positions at a company. Je me rfre votre annonce parue dans... With reference to your advertisement in... Me rfrant votre annonce... In reply to your advertisement... Votre annonce parue dans... a retenu toute mon attention. Your ad in... caught my attention. Je me permets de poser ma candidature pour le poste de... / au poste de... I wish to apply for the post of... Je vous serais trs reconnaissant(e) de... I would be very grateful if you could... ...bien vouloir menvoyer des renseignements plus complets sur le poste de... ... send me more information about the position of... faire savoir sil me serait possible dobtenir un emploi dans votre entreprise. ...tell me if there is any possibility of work in your company.

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