Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Learn How to Write a Business Letter in French

Writing a job letter (une  lettre  demploi)  in French can be a challenge. You need to be professional, but if youre still learning the language, this can be difficult to convey. At times, it is best to look at an example so you know where to begin. When writing the letter, remember to be as polite as possible and follow the formula outlined in this sample. With a little attention to the details, like the salutation and opening of your letter, you will be constructing great correspondence in no time. Sample Correspondance Commerciale This sample business letter, or correspondance commerciale,  is to give you an outline for using  business letter formulas  in French. The various sections are notated using brackets  and it is much easier if you construct the letter piece by piece. You can use this sample as a template for your own letter. Simply replace the sentences as needed to fit your particular requirements. The formula works well for job applications as well as other types of formal business correspondence.   New York,  le  10  novembre  2012Monsieur Georges UNTELEntreprise fictive46, rue Jenesaisquoi12345 UNEVILLESonpaysMonsieur Untel [salutation],Jai lhonneur de vous informer [open letter] que jai bien reà §u votre lettre du 6 novembre 2000 [confirm receipt]. Cest avec plaisir [express pleasure] que jaccepte le poste de traductrice de votre site web que vous moffrez [accept/refuse offer].Je regrette vivement de ne pas pouvoir commencer immà ©diatement [express regret]. Je serais disponible à   partir du 20 novembre [availability/contact info]. Jespà ¨re que vous voudrez bien me faire savoir si cette date vous conviendra [make request].En vous remerciant de la confiance que vous me tà ©moignez [pre-close], je vous prie dagrà ©er, Monsieur Untel, lassurance de ma considà ©ration distinguà ©e.Laura K. Lawlessmon adresse, mon numà ©ro de tà ©là ©phone et cetera Salutations (Les  saluts) Just as it is in English, the salutation you use in the letter is extremely important. Your choice will leave an impression on the reader that may influence how they interpret the rest of the letter. Be sure to choose wisely and use the appropriate address. It would be impossible to list every possible title, but this list should give you an idea of how to address your letter. Monsieur, Madame To whom it may concern Messieurs Dear Sirs Monsieur Dear Sir Madame Dear Madam Mademoiselle Dear Miss Monsieur le Directeur Dear Director Monsieur le Ministre Dear Minister Monsieur/Madame le* Professeur Dear Professor... Cher/Chre + salutation Used only if you know the person that you are writing to *In so-called standard French, the word  professeur  is always masculine. However in Quà ©bec and parts of Switzerland, there is a feminine version:  la  professeure, so pay attention to the country of the person you are addressing. Opening the Letter (Pour commencer la lettre) As important as the salutation, your opening sentence sets the tone for the letter. Compose this carefully or the reader may not bother reading the entire thing.   The following phrases are good choices when your letters intent is to inquire about employment. They cover most job application situations, from responding to an advertisement to inquiring about open positions at a company. Je me rfre votre annonce parue dans... With reference to your advertisement in... Me rfrant votre annonce... In reply to your advertisement... Votre annonce parue dans... a retenu toute mon attention. Your ad in... caught my attention. Je me permets de poser ma candidature pour le poste de... / au poste de... I wish to apply for the post of... Je vous serais trs reconnaissant(e) de... I would be very grateful if you could... ...bien vouloir menvoyer des renseignements plus complets sur le poste de... ... send me more information about the position of... faire savoir sil me serait possible dobtenir un emploi dans votre entreprise. ...tell me if there is any possibility of work in your company.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My Research on Abortion - 1596 Words

1. What did you learn about doing research? While conducting my research on abortion, I learned that there were different types of medical procedures that abortionist utilized when aborting an embryo and fetus. However, I was familiar with what an abortion is, but never imagined the grotesque, inhumane, and heinous techniques used to abort a human being even at the late stages of pregnancy. After watching numerous online videos of these procedures, I feel it is morally wrong to have an abortion because there are thousands of women that cannot have children and have exhausted all the possible ways to do so. In conclusion, completing this project and viewing these graphical pictures has given me a clearer understand what the process entailed and how it was implemented. 2. How did you do your research? I researched this topic by viewing journal articles in the Baker College Database from the library. I looked for books on the subject of Abortion to get a better sense what the procedure entailed and how it was conducted. I also utilized the internet to look for pictures and statistics on Abortion. I finished the research project by looking for client testimonies on their experience with the procedure and their well-being prior and after having it completed. 3. Did you learn how to do research in a new way? However, I did not learn how to do research in a new way. I conducted my research the same way that I do for all my other projects. I usually have a system andShow MoreRelatedAbortion : A Controversial Ethical, Legal And Public Health Issue824 Words   |  4 PagesWhether or not abortion should be restricted in the law is a controversial ethical, legal and public health issue that affects us all. While some countries have a legal restriction on abortion, Canada has no legal constraints: abortion is regulated and determined by the health act. Liberalization movements of abortion laws in Canada started in the 1960s by both feminist groups and the medical profession. This was found necessary to address the rise in mortality rates of pregnant women. A provincialRead MoreMorality Of Abortion s Argument1207 Words   |  5 Pages Morality of Abortion Counter-Argument Kyle Pedigo PHI 103: Informal Logic Micheal Pelt August 29, 2015 â€Æ' Morality of Abortion This paper is written to present a counter argument. This is a counter argument to a debate that has been around for a very long time and likely will not go away any time soon. The topic I will be covering is: Does the stage of pregnancy affect the morality of abortion? In my opinion I have to say no. But, my opinion is not the subject of this paper. My original argumentRead MoreAmerican History: Fighting for the Freedom of Choice763 Words   |  3 PagesAbortions being made illegal in the late 1880’s created a lot of â€Å"underground† abortion procedures. The abortions performed were not safe, they were expensive, and often time’s male doctors would force women to have intimate relations with them before the procedure. In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand of those women died each year as a result. It wasn’t until the civil rights and antiwar movements in the 1960’s that women be gan toRead MorePro Choice And Pro Life1231 Words   |  5 PagesBrooke Weaver Mrs. Denton Honors 8th LA January 20, 2016 Research Paper I-Search: What I Learned About My Topic Abortion is one of the most heated moral debates all over the United States. Many people say that your view on the topic shows the type of person you are. There are two sides to this debate: Pro-Choice and Pro-life. In this case when you are Pro-choice you believe that women have the custody and rights to do what they want to with their baby. While many people believe in the women’s rightRead MoreAbortion All Sides of the Issue1532 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion: All Sides of the Issue When you think of abortion, the first thing that comes to mind is the death of an unborn child. Trying to identify all possible sides of the issue of abortion is a difficult task. Choosing a side is even harder. Although abortion issues are not recognized and discussed any longer, it is still a serious matter and continues today. The research that has been done on the sensitive subject of abortion has been going on for quite some time now. The Definition of Life Read MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Abortion1571 Words   |  7 PagesControversial Issue of Abortion According to Different Faiths The American Heritage Medical Dictionary defines abortion as the â€Å"induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus.† A study conducted by Planned Parenthood found that three out of every ten women over the age of forty-five, have had an abortion. Terminating a pregnancy by abortion catalyzes many disagreements on whether a woman is destroying a human life or not. This type of controversy that follows abortion affects almostRead MoreThe On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women1141 Words   |  5 PagesDiscrimination against Women (CEDAW), article 14 of Maternal Health Act 1948 is problematic since it states that ‘[t]he women are required to get content from their spouses in order to obtain an abortion’ (CEDAW, 2016, para. 38 (b)). However, the actual description in it is a doctor ‘may perform an Induced Abortion on a person who falls under any of the following items after obtaining consent from the relev ant person and the spouse’ (Maternal Health Act 1948, Art. 14 (1)). In other words, it does not regulateRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Women s Abortion : Quantitative And Qualitative Perspectives On Sexual And Reproductive Health1063 Words   |  5 Pages A. M. (2005). Reasons U.S. women have abortions: Quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 37(3), 110-8. This study addressed the reasons behind why women choose to have abortions. Specifically, the researcher focused on both qualitative and quantitative perspectives to determine the factors that contribute to the decision to have an abortion. Using structured survey, the researcher included 1,209 abortion patients at 11 large providers. 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This is a big reason why I think abortion is unsafe and should be illegal. The first thing I want to address is the mental state of the mothers who have had an abortion. Most times the mental state

Monday, December 9, 2019

Globalization and Cultures of Business

Question: Discuss about the Globalization and Cultures of Business. Answer: Introduction: Globalization process has been a subject of interest to many researchers and entrepreneurs in recent years (Victor, 2012). In the past few years, firms have been playing a significant role in the global economy with most of them expand to foreign countries or at least having the idea of globalizing their operations (Magdalena, 2016). Organizations have been expanding their businesses to the international markets and use their diversification in the global market as a vital tool to attain a competitive advantage and the much-anticipated progress. Companies cannot approach Internationalization process without coming up with a strategy for achieving the organizational goals and objectives (Rijmenam, 2014). Without establishing proper plans, any firm that intends to expand operations in a foreign country is bound to fail. Planning to globalize involves coming up with an appropriate decision on when to globalize, the globalization strategy, and the nature of the target market. The internationalization process involves taking risks and uncertainties. Therefore, companies are required to come up with a good strategy to overcome the risks and uncertainties (Natalia, 2012). The company should take enough time to prepare on how to penetrate in the new market by obtaining helpful information concerning nature of the target market, the cultural background, and so forth. The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that impact organizations from expanding their operations to emerging markets. The study will seek to fulfill three objectives. These objectives are: To determine the strategies used by organizations that attempt to expand their operations in the emerging markets: To explore the barriers realized firms in their efforts to internationalize in the emerging markets: Determine the correlation between the expansion of a company to the emerging markets and performance. This chapter will present the data collection techniques that will be used in the study. The study will employ the utilization of a questionnaire as the preferred method for data collection and the mechanism for choosing the samples. This chapter will also discuss the ideologies and methodologies of the research as well as the perspectives of the investigation with a primary concern on the strategy and approach. The methodology chapter will also justify the reason why the given strategy was ideal for this study. Descriptive research design will be used in this study. The researcher will go to the population to obtain information concerning the factors affecting the successful internalization of companies in emerging markets. The descriptive research design is ideal for this study because it has various advantages (Taylor, 2012). Some of these benefits include; it allows the researcher to observe subjects in their natural set up without interfering with the environment (Staley 2010). It also allows the researcher to obtain data from scores of cases, hence making it more representatives. How to source data This study shall rely on both secondary and primary data. The researcher will visit the company of interest to obtain information concerning the possible factors that have been preventing it from internationalizing in the emerging markets. The researcher will also read some stored books that the company as documented concerning its experience on expanding its operations to the emerging markets. The importance of using both primary and secondary data in this research is that it shall allow comparison to be made to determine the reliability of the data (Barbara, 2015). The main collection tool will be self-administered questionnaires and shall assist in collecting primary data from the respondents. The questionnaires will be distributed to the management of McDonald for a specified time. References Barbara. J. (2015). Cluster Organization as a Pro-Internationalization Form of Cooperation in the SME Sector - a Polish Case in the European Context. Journal of Economics Management, 22(1), 90-110 Magdalena. S. (2016). Growth and Internationalization of Fast Growing Firms *. Journal for East European Management Studies, 21(2), 678-800. Natalia. K. (2011). The Market Orientation-Innovation-Success Relationship: The Role of Internationalization Strategy. Innovation: Management, Policy Practice, 13(1), 879-900. Rijmenam, M. (2014). Think Bigger: Developing a Successful Big Data Strategy for Your Business. New York: American Management Association Staley. P. (2010). Foreign Firms, Investment, and Environmental Regulation in the Peoples Republic of China. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Taylor. D. (2012). Globalization and the Cultures of Business in Africa: From Patrimonialism to Profit. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press Victor. D. (2012). Models for the Internationalization of the Business: A Diversity-Based Approach. Management Marketing, 7(1), 67-89

Sunday, December 1, 2019

World History Essay Example

World History Paper AP World History Reading Guide Ch 20 The Muslim Empires 1) Which of the following was NOT one of the early modern Islamic empires? * Ottoman * Abbasid * Gujarat * Mughal * Safavid 2) How were the three Muslim early modern empires similar? 3) What were the differences between the various Muslim early modern empires? 4) Prior to the Mongol invasions of their empire, the Abbasid dynasty was dominated by what group? 5) The original base of the Ottoman Turks was where? 6) Following the Timurid invasions, the Ottoman Empire was restored under what leader? ) The Ottomans conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire in what year? 8) Describe Ottoman naval. 9) Who were the Janissaries? 10) What permitted the Janissaries to gain a position of prominence in the Ottoman Empire? 11) The head of the Ottoman central bureaucracy was the†¦? 12) What was the principle of succession within the Ottoman Empire? 13) One of the most beautiful of the Ottoman mosques of Constantinople was the ? 14) What did the Ottomans do to Constantinople following its fall in 1453? 15) In what way were the artisans of Constantinople similar to their counterparts in the West? 6) What was the chosen language of the Ottoman court? 17) How did the Ottoman dynasty compare to other ruling families? 18) What were the causes for the decline of the Ottoman Empire? 19) On the sea, the Ottoman galleys were eclipsed by Western naval power as early as? 20) What European nation first threatened the Ottoman monopoly of trade with East Africa and India? 21) What were the results of the Ottoman loss of monopoly over the Indian trade? 22) Which group represented such extreme conservatism within the Ottoman Empire that reform was frustrated? 3) What were the differences between the declines of the Abbasids and the Ottomans? 24) What were the differences between the origins of the Ottomans and the Safavids? 25) The center of the Safavid Empire was the modern-day state of? 26) The Safavid dynasty had its origins in the fourteenth century in a family devoted to what variant of Islam? 27) In what year was the first Safavid declared Shah? 28) Followers of the Safavids followers were called? 29) The first Safavid Shah was? 30) Why was the battle of Chaldiran in 1514 so important? 31) The Safavid Empire reached its greatest extent under Shah†¦? 2) What was the status of the Turkic chiefs under the Safavid Shahs? 33) After Chaldiran, the official language of the Safavid Empire became? 34) The capital of the Safavid Empire under Abbas the Great was? 35) How did the Safavids economy compare to that of the Ottomans? 36) What led to the rapid demise of the Safavid Empire? 37) The immediate successor of the Safavid dynasty in Persia was? 38) Who was the founder of the Mughal dynasty? 39) The first Mughal emperor successfully defeated the Muslim ruler of the Lodi dynasty in 1526 at the battle of? 0) Describe the accomplishments / life of Babur 41) Describe the reign of Humayan. 42) Describ e the reign of Akbar. 43) What was the critical feature of Akbars new religion, the Din-i-Ilahi? 44) What was the outcome of the Din-i-Ilahi? 45) Describe the economy of the Mughal Empire. 46) What was the state of the Mughal dynasty at the outset of the reign of Aurangzeb? 47) What were the goals of Aurangzeb? 48) What was the impact of Aurangzebs religious policies? 49) What was the state of the Mughal Empire following Aurangzebs death in 1707? 50) Describe the relationship of the Muslim empires to the West.