Tuesday, December 17, 2019

My Research on Abortion - 1596 Words

1. What did you learn about doing research? While conducting my research on abortion, I learned that there were different types of medical procedures that abortionist utilized when aborting an embryo and fetus. However, I was familiar with what an abortion is, but never imagined the grotesque, inhumane, and heinous techniques used to abort a human being even at the late stages of pregnancy. After watching numerous online videos of these procedures, I feel it is morally wrong to have an abortion because there are thousands of women that cannot have children and have exhausted all the possible ways to do so. In conclusion, completing this project and viewing these graphical pictures has given me a clearer understand what the process entailed and how it was implemented. 2. How did you do your research? I researched this topic by viewing journal articles in the Baker College Database from the library. I looked for books on the subject of Abortion to get a better sense what the procedure entailed and how it was conducted. I also utilized the internet to look for pictures and statistics on Abortion. I finished the research project by looking for client testimonies on their experience with the procedure and their well-being prior and after having it completed. 3. Did you learn how to do research in a new way? However, I did not learn how to do research in a new way. I conducted my research the same way that I do for all my other projects. I usually have a system andShow MoreRelatedAbortion : A Controversial Ethical, Legal And Public Health Issue824 Words   |  4 PagesWhether or not abortion should be restricted in the law is a controversial ethical, legal and public health issue that affects us all. While some countries have a legal restriction on abortion, Canada has no legal constraints: abortion is regulated and determined by the health act. 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